Male Breast Reduction: Are You a Candidate?

Male Breast Reduction Palo Alto CA | GynecomastiaAre you a male with excessive breast tissue? If so, you’re likely embarrassed by your chest. This can make general activities like swimming and play sports unbearable. While enlarged male breasts aren’t life-threatening, the physical and psychological effects are very real. This condition is called gynecomastia. But take heart: there is an effective way to eliminate excess breast tissue for a firmer, more masculine-looking chest – male breast reduction surgery.

You may benefit from a male breast reduction procedure if you answer yes to any of the following statements:  

  • My chest bothers me enough that I think I could benefit from surgery
  • I’m reluctant to show by chest in social situations like the pool or gym
  • Others have made comments about my chest that makes me feel self-conscious
  • My chest causes me to feel guilty or depressed
  • I don’t feel confident in social setting because of my chest
  • I take measures to hide by chest by wearing special undergarments or loose clothing
  • I believe breast reduction surgery can improve my well-being psychologically, physically, and socially

To see if you qualify for gynecomastia surgery, talk to your doctor to determine that you are:   

  • Not on medications are known to cause enlarged breasts
  • Out of puberty (some enlarged breasts reduce on their own after this time)
  • At a healthy body weight
  • In good physical and mental condition
  • In physical discomfort because of your enlarged breasts
  • Someone whose been living with this condition for at least a year
  • Frustrated by the ineffectiveness of diet and exercise to reduce your oversized breasts
  • A person with good skin elasticity, which is crucial for reshaping your body after surgery
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of gynecomastia surgery

While gynecomastia is not uncommon, it’s still a difficult subject for most men. That’s why it’s empowering to know that male breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective option for providing men with enlarged breasts a flatter, firmer chest and an overall more pleasing look.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about Male Breast Reduction surgery, contact our office today. Our practice is located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Posted in: Male Breast Reduction

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