Earlobe Repair in San Fransisco
There are a number of reasons people seek earlobe repair:
Are you ready to stop wearing earlobe plugs?
If you no longer want to wear gauges in your earlobes or have large or hanging earlobes that you want reduced, you may be a candidate for an earlobe repair.

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Do you think your earlobes are too large?
As we age, our ears actually grow and elongate. Enlarged earlobes can be a telling sign of aging. This is different from someone that just has large ears their whole life. Elongating earlobes can become noticeable after age 50 and may continue to become more obvious over time, particularly in men. If this is something that bothers you, earlobe reduction is an option for you.
Am I a good candidate for earlobe repair?
Unlike ear pinning, otoplasty, which is a common procedure performed on children to correct protruding ears, Dr. Fisher performs earlobe repair to fix earlobes that stretched by the prolonged wearing of ear gauges and circular plugs placed into the earlobe.
If you no longer want to wear your gauges, odds are when you remove them your earlobe is stretched and loose. This is because the skin has been stretched to a degree for a period of time that it cannot tighten back down to its former degree of tightness. In some cases, it leads to a loss of good tissue, so a good reconstruction is needed.
What concerns can earlobe repair fix?
Fashion trends come and go, but the skin of our earlobes isn’t necessarily on board. Dr. Fisher generally sees two causes behind the necessary earlobe repairs — stretching or trauma.
Trauma can happen by catching an earring on clothing, your brush, even on bushes when out walking. If you pick up a small child, he or she might grab that shiny earring right in front of their eyes. If the earring catches or is pulled, it can tear right through the bottom of the lobe.
Today’s earrings have also become heavier and wider. The weight can pull down and enlarge the original earring piercing to the degree it is visible to others. Earrings are also growing in diameter, the ultimate example being gauged. Gauges are discs placed in the earlobe. If left in place long enough, when these gauges have removed the hole they created cannot close up and will need surgery to do so.
What are the benefits of earlobe repair?
While the bones stop growing after puberty and muscle and fat cells stop dividing, our cartilage keeps on growing until the day we die. That’s why older people have bigger ears and noses. Plus, the earlobes have to deal with gravity pulling thinning skin downward.
Earlobe reduction with Dr. Fisher downsizes elongated earlobes to a more youthful or more aesthetic shape. Elongated earlobes can be damaging to how a person sees him or herself, and downsizing for those patient is a really positive procedure for self-image.
How is earlobe repair surgery performed?
These are performed in the office under local anesthesia. Reshaping or resizing your earlobes is called lobuloplasty, a type of otoplasty.
Once the patient is locally anesthetized, Dr. Fisher works with the earlobe tissue using reconstructive plastic surgery techniques to reshape the earlobe. The incisions heal with a minimal scarring. These are excellent procedures that are very satisfying as Dr. Fisher’s surgical expertise enables her to provide you with more aesthetic ears, sometimes a little thing can make a big difference!
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for earlobe repair?
You’ll need to stop taking any NSAID medications, any blood thinners, and certain supplements, as these can lead to excessive bleeding. Other than that there’s little necessary to prepare for this surgery.
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How painful is my recovery after earlobe repair?
People often put off this surgery because they assume the earlobes are quite sensitive, so their recovery will be quite painful. Not so. The earlobe doesn’t actually have many nerves, so there is very little pain. As mentioned above, most of Dr. Fisher’s patients feel over-the-counter acetaminophen adequately handles the pain.
What results can I expect from earlobe repair surgery?
If you have a stretched, elongated, or severely torn earlobe, it’s probably something you’re continually trying to hide behind hair, clothing, or a hat. Dr. Fisher can improve that for you.
If you’ve had Dr. Fisher downsize your earlobes, you’ll love their smaller size.
Earlobe Repair Before and After
What is the recovery time for earlobe repair or reduction surgery?
Dr. Fisher usually only has bandages on the lower ear after these procedures. Over-the-counter acetaminophen (tylenol) is usually all that’s needed for discomfort. After the bandage comes off, you’ll need to apply over-the-counter Bacitracin ointment to the incisions. Your recovery is mostly complete after 10 days.
Can earrings be worn after I have earlobe repair surgery?
Once your healing is complete, which takes a few months, you can have your ear pierced again. The only thing you have to do is to be sure to not place the new piercing in the incision scar or just above the incision scar. The scar is weaker than the surrounding tissue so it will tear more easily. The new piercing must be placed on either side of the scar.
How long would I have to wait before I could have my ears pierced again after repair?
It will take about 10-12 weeks for your repaired earlobe to fully heal after this surgery with Dr. Fisher. At that point, the healed incision is strong, and the repaired scar will begin to lighten and become less and less noticeable. We offer ear piercing for your convenience.
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Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about Earlobe repair, contact our office today at 650-460-7260. Our practice, Elite Transformations, is conveniently located in San Mateo, CA, and serves the greater San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, and East Bay cities.