Gynecomastia Surgery in San Francisco
If you are experiencing gynecomastia in the San Francisco Bay area, you may be considering male breast reduction. Elite Transformation offers gynecomastia surgery in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area. Dr. Orna Fisher is a board certified plastic surgeon highly skilled in gynecomastia procedures. Schedule a consultation today, or read on to learn more about gynecomastia:
What is Gynecomastia?
Male breast enlargement, also known as gynecomastia, is the overdevelopment of male breasts. This breast tissue is often firm and fibrous, not fat, and affects nearly 40-60% of men.
What Causes Male Breast Enlargement (Gynecomastia)?
In the majority of cases, gynecomastia has no known cause. It generally appears in puberty and is often hereditary. Male breast enlargement could also be a result of certain drugs being taken which you should discuss with Dr. Fisher prior to surgery. There was found to be a prevalence of increased levels of the female hormone estrogen in men that are impacted by this condition.
It is important to rule out treatable or reversible causes of gynecomastia prior to having corrective surgery.
Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?
Male breasts whether small or large can be a source of embarrassment for men of all ages. If you find yourself relating to any of these self-conscious behaviors below, you might be a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery in San Francsico:
- Wearing loose shirts
- Avoiding nudity
- Wearing chest binders to hide breast tissue
It is important that you are in good health and do not smoke. It is best that you be close to your ideal weight prior to having the procedure. Although gynecomastia can happen at any age, it is important that your breast tissue has fully developed to avoid the need for another procedure in the future.
Gynecomastia Treatment Options
Treatment choices include liposuction or surgery, or a combination of the two. The technique that will be determined is reflective of the grade or type of gynecomastia the patient has. If the breasts consist of mostly fatty tissue, liposuction can be used to suction out fat through incisions made in the nipples or underarm areas. For breasts with an excessive amount of glandular tissue, excision surgery, which requires cutting away excess fat, skin and tissue, can be performed. This requires a larger incision than is used with liposuction. During your consultation, Dr. Fisher will sit down with you and go over the best option for you.
Grades of Gynecomastia
There are multiple grades of gynecomastia, reflecting the amount of excess tissue along with how much, if any, “hang” or “sag” there is to the breast tissue.
Type 1: Also known as the “Puffy Nipple”, this is the most minor type of gynecomastia. It is described as a small firm disc of tissue directly behind the nipple.
Type 2: This is considered moderate breast enlargement in which there is excess breast volume that fills the entire lower chest.
Type 3: This grade is similar to type 2 however with skin redundancy, or mild sag as well.
Type 4: The most significant type, this is where there is a significant amount of hanging breast tissue similar to a sagging female breast.
Each type requires its own approach in order to surgically create the most masculine chest appearance. Most of the time, surgical excision of the gynecomastia is the best way to sculpt the chest.
This surgery dramatically improves confidence, allowing you the freedom to be the man that you are.
Risks Of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks involved with Gynecomastia surgery. These risks include:
- Skin injury
- Loss of nipple sensation
- Discoloration
- Scarring
- Asymmetrical breasts or nipples
If you’re concerned about risks during your gynecomastia surgery, talk with Dr. Fisher.
Recovery After Male Breast Reduction Surgery
It is not uncommon for there to be some bruising, swelling and discomfort after surgery. Discomfort can be lessened with prescribed pain medication but should dissipate after a few days. Dr. Fisher will give you a compression garment to wear daily for about 2 weeks after surgery to reduce swelling. You should continue to wear it at night for a few additional weeks.
Patients typically return to work within a week and light exercise may be performed. It is important to avoid strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks after your gynecomastia surgery in San Francisco.
Results of Gynecomastia Surgery
The results of male breast reduction can last a lifetime as long as the patient’s weight remains stable. Weight gain could result in re-enlargement of the breasts.
Gynecomastia Before and After
Request a Consultation

Schedule a Consultation for Gynecomastia Surgery in San Francisco
If you’re interested in gynecomastia surgery in the San Francisco Bay Area, call us at 650-460-7260 or fill out the form below for more details on our life-changing male breast reduction treatment. Our practice is conveniently located in San Mateo, CA and serves the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, and East Bay cities.