Jamie Gorman
- Posted on: Mar 14 2018
I gave Dr. Orna Fisher a rating of six out of five stars! She’s double board certified in plastic surgery, and a true artist when it comes to achieving excellent surgical results. Five months ago, after several years of contemplation and due diligence, I underwent a LipoAbdominoplasty to repair loose, dimply skin from a botched liposuction procedure done years earlier. I felt confident in Dr. Fisher’s expertise as she was highly recommended by several physicians in Silicon Valley. Dr. Fisher prepared me well for surgery, set realistic expectations, and took care in answering my questions.
On the day of surgery and after waking from anesthesia, I was delighted to discover Dr. Fisher had accomplished far more than we previously discussed. While I did experience pain for the initial couple days following surgery, it was well worth it! My tummy looks great, and I’m looking forward to wearing a bikini again this summer.