Treat sagging arms with BodyTite

Men and women with trouble areas of excess fat on the body may believe that traditional plastic surgery is the key for a tighter, more improved body. However, did you ever think about non-invasive alternatives? At Elite Transformations, Dr. Orna Fisher and her team are committed to providing patients with today’s technology to improve their appearance and help boost their confidence. With BodyTite, patients can target unwanted sagging and excess fat on the upper arms without requiring surgical intervention.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is a revolutionary body contouring treatment device that reduces fat and tightens skin with radiofrequency energy. Radiofrequency energy is used in many advanced treatments today as an alternative to undergoing surgery. This device is used around the treatment energy, administering RF energy to reduce fat and tighten the skin in a minimally invasive manner. The device has been cleared and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for body remodeling. It continues to be a highly desirable treatment for patients who want to avoid the risk of infection and noticeable scarring.

What parts of the body can BodyTite treat?

At Elite Transformation, we use BodyTite for many areas of the body, but find it to be incredibly useful in treating fat and skin on the upper arm area. The device penetrates RF energy deep within for gradual but noticeable treatment through RF-assisted lipolysis, or RFAL. Using BodyTite is perfect for individuals interested in improving their body contours in an affordable and effective manner while avoiding invasive surgeries.

Why choose BodyTite for the upper arms?

Instead of BodyTite, patients are faced with plastic surgery and a procedure known as an “arm lift.” This procedure removes excess fat and skin manually from the upper arms and sutures the skin together. The arm lift is better suited for patients with moderate to severe sagging and fat deposits, while patients with more milder cases may consider BodyTite instead. During a consultation visit, patients can discuss with their doctor the best choice for their needs.

Please request an appointment with our team today!

Dr. Orna Fisher and the staff of Elite Transformations are located in the San Francisco Bay Area to provide a wide selection of cosmetic surgery solutions for both men and women. Contact us today to schedule your consultation visit and find out if BodyTite is right for you!

Posted in: Body Contouring

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