What to Expect with a Male to Female Breast Augmentation Procedure

At Elite Transformations, our providers in Palo Alto, CA understand how important it can be to have one’s outward appearance match the way they feel in side. For male transgender patients, having a body that looks feminine can improve self-confidence and self-esteem. Gender affirmation procedures are one of many specialties of Dr. Orna Fisher of Elite Transformations, including the MTF breast augmentation surgery.

What is MTF breast augmentation surgery?

When men want to have a more feminine appearance, it often starts with the chest. By undergoing a MTF (male to female) breast augmentation, patients can achieve the look they desire without having to deal with padded bras. During a MTF breast augmentation, a male patient will have breast implants placed in the chest to give them the look of a traditional female. The area is contoured and reconstructed to provide the most natural-looking results, allowing men who define themselves as female to have the look they’ve wanted.

How does one prepare for MTF breast augmentation?

In general, there are no necessary preparations. However, many men decide to undergo hormone therapies during their transition. This helps in improving the breast tissue in the area, which can improve the appearance of the breast augmentation procedure when completed.

What to expect from MTF breast augmentation recovery

In general, most patients will require assistance with personal care during at least eh first two days after surgery. Strenuous exercise, physical activities, or lifting of objects should be avoided for several weeks regardless as to how good a patient feels. Patients are encouraged to walk regularly after surgery and to continue doing so to look and feel their best. Patients should expect bruising and swelling after their augmentation surgery, though this will gradually decrease with the use of ice packs, prescription medications, and proper garments.

Are you interested in learning more about achieving a more feminine outward appearance?

Dr. Orna Fisher and the team at Elite Transformations are excited to work with patients who are ready to have their body match the way they feel! If you are a male patient considering MTF breast augmentation, or other gender affirmation procedures, we welcome you to book a consultation appointment with our providers to learn more about how we can help you! During a consultation and initial evaluation, our providers will explain the procedures you are interested in obtaining and determine if you are an appropriate candidate.

Posted in: Breast Augmentation

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