Liposuction Recovery: When Can I Go To The Gym Again?

Liposuction Palo Alto CAWe love that question! Did you know that Liposuction (also called Lipo, for short) is not actually a surgery for weight loss? It’s a common misconception, but the best candidates for Liposuction are people who have those stubborn pockets of fat that don’t disappear–no matter what diet or exercise they try. Our metabolisms slow down as we age, so the belly or muffin top that used to go away might be hanging around far too long for your comfort! If that sounds like you, keep reading to learn about liposuction and details about recovery from this procedure.

Each patient is different, so each Liposuction surgery will be tailored to their specific needs. The procedure is typically performed under general or local anesthesia and is normally an outpatient procedure. The best candidates are healthy individuals who have realistic expectations, and are able to let their bodies recover properly. You will need some downtime before you head back to the gym.


Listen to your body and it will tell you when you’re pushing yourself too hard. After Liposuction, you will want to set aside the first two or three days to rest and let your body recuperate. Liposuction (like any surgery) will require some extra care on your part to ensure the smoothest recovery. Localized swelling and soreness should be expected during these first few days. After about a week, many patients are able to go back to work. Keep in mind that you will likely need to wear compression garments during this time, though they can be worn quite discreetly under clothing.

Generally, we do not advise you go back to the gym for at least two to three weeks after surgery, but consult your physician beforehand to make sure you’re ready. Take it easy and don’t push yourself too hard. Your body will still slowly adjust to its new shape over the next few weeks or even months.

Talk To Your Doc

If you have any questions about timeline, remember that Dr. Fisher is just a phone call away. She can help you make the best decisions about starting high-impact exercises again, and ensure the best recovery from liposuction.

If you’re interested in learning more about liposuction with Dr. Fisher, contact us and we can get a consultation scheduled for you.

Posted in: Liposuction

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