Using Liposuction to Address Unwanted Areas of Fat on the Body

At Elite Transformations, we understand that men and women want to look and feel their best. In many situations, plastic surgery can help individuals achieve the results they desire. Dr. Orna Fisher is a dedicated professional here to help with solutions such as liposuction.

Understanding liposuction

When patients are dealing with areas of unwanted fat that are stubborn and resistant to changes in diet and exercise, they may want to have these areas treated with liposuction. Liposuction is a specialized procedure used to remove fat by suctioning it out using a specialized cannula. This is a long device that is inserted into the body and used to break down and remove fat from the treatment area. Patients may consider liposuction in many areas of the body, including the:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Upper arms
  • Back
  • Legs

Liposuction allows for immediate results where fat deposits need to be removed, addressing areas that may be nonresponsive to lifestyle changes. In some instances, patients who have a large amount of fat cells removed from the area will experience skin laxity. This may require a later surgery to remove the excess skin that may be left behind in the area. When done in the abdominal area, this is called a tummy tuck. Other areas can benefit from a lift with the removal of excess skin as well as fat through liposuction.

Who is a candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction should not be seen as a weight loss solution. Instead, liposuction improve the body contours and helps patients feel more confident about their overall appearance. The best candidates are patients who are within or near their ideal body weight and who are considered healthy overall. Patients should also have realistic expectations as to what can be achieved with liposuction.

Request an appointment today

Dr. Orna Fisher and the team of Elite Transformations is pleased to provide patients with solutions for their body. If you are interested in discussing the benefits of traditional liposuction with a doctor, we welcome you to book an appointment.

Posted in: Liposuction

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