5 facts about abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Tummy tuckAt Elite Transformations, Dr. Orna Fisher and her team assist Palo Alto, CA area patients with general and cosmetic surgery solutions for the skin and body. Additionally, she proudly provides reliable and natural-looking tummy tucks for patients who want to address their body contours, reduce unwanted fat, and remove excess, sagging skin. Below are five facts about abdominoplasty:

  • There are different types of tummy tuck procedures available. There are different methods of addressing the abdominal area that can be considered, including mini-tummy tucks that focus on loose skin and extended tummy tucks that address the entire torso area. Speak to your doctor to determine which one is right for you.
  • Several weeks are needed for recovery following an abdominoplasty. This procedure is an extensive surgical treatment that can be invasive for some. Most recovery times require several weeks before the area is fully healed. Consider hiring help around the house while taking time off of work, school, and other social activities.
  • Tummy tucks are not used for weight loss. Long-standing weight issues should be addressed prior to undergoing the tummy tuck procedure. While some weight may be lost due to fat and skin removal, this is not the primary goal.
  • The tummy tuck offers long-lasting results. Patients should maintain a healthy weight, diet, and activity level to enjoy their results for many years to come. Any fat cells removed during the abdominoplasty will not regenerate.
  • Patients of both genders can enjoy the tummy tuck. While women are the most common patients who ask for abdominoplasty, they are not the only ones. Men can also benefit from the procedure as well, commonly addressing excess fat, loose muscles, and skin laxity during their surgery.

Ready to speak to a doctor about abdominoplasty?

Men and women interested in improving their body contours and addressing excess fat and skin in the midsection are invited to contact our team at Elite Transformations to schedule a consultation!

Posted in: Tummy Tuck

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